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R & R projekti in storitve

Raziskovalci podjetja Celica d.o.o. tesno sodelujejo z Laboratorijem za molekularno celično fiziologijo na Univerzi v Ljubljani. Namen teh bazičnih raziskav je razumeti molekularne fiziološke procese posamezne celice. Pri raziskovalnem delu raziskovalci uporabljajo konfokalno mikroskopijo, elektrofiziologijo (meritve kapacitivnosti), meritve koncentracije kalcija v citosolu, metode molekularne biologije in druge. CELICA, d.o.o. s partnerji razvija vrhunsko opremo za elektrofiziologijo, ki se že 15 let potrjuje v različnih raziskovalnih laboratorijih sveta. Vrhunske lastnosti in uporabnost naprav potrjujejo tudi številni znanstveni članki, objavljeni v uglednih revijah. Jedro naprav je ojačevalec patch-clamp z edinstvenimi lastnostmi, ki omogoča meritve prevodnosti posameznih ionskih kanalčkov, prevodnost celotne plazmaleme in tudi meritve potencialov pri uravnanem toku. Del merilnega sistema je računalniški program CELL, ki omogoča zajemanje in analizo signalov.

Confocal Microscopy

The confocal microscopy provides means to observe structural components and physiological processes of living cells and tissues in three-dimensional space without physical sectioning. Since 2006 we operate the Carl Zeiss Reference Center for Confocal Microscopy.


Our laboratories operate a quality management system compliant with the SIST EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard. In the field of advanced microscopy which is run within the Carl Zeiss Reference Center for Confocal Microscopy we received accreditation certificates LK-024 (since November 13th, 2008) for calibration laboratories accredited by the Slovenian Accreditation, an ILAC-MRA signee (, International Accreditation Laboratory Cooperation)). In addition to quantitative advanced microscopy imaging services for which our customers receive calibration certificates for the twodimensional measuring image system, we offer the international support for interlaboratory quality/validation of laser scanning confocal microscopes for external users, which is based on a special certified sample and an algorithm to perform the measurements which are then compared with those from the international lab database. Each lab receives a feedback on their results of how their results compare with the ones from the database. This is an important service for the laboratories providing their R&D services to credible industrial partners.